Ezyprotein Wild Berry 800g (New)


Sprouted, Bio-fermented, Raw, Wholegrain Brown Rice Protein – A beautiful Food.

Ezyprotein is Australis’s First Certified Organic, Sprouted, Bio-Fermented, Wholegrain Brown Rice Protein Powder. A high quality, 100% plant-based complete protein containing all 8 essential amino acids. All of the amino acids are naturally occurring and exist in a beautiful ratio very similar to the ratio found in human mother’s milk. An ideal for vegetarian, vegans and anyone wanting to incorporate high quality protein into their diet.
Ezyprotein special sprouting and bio-fermentation (special and non-chemical) method makes it very easy to absorb and to digest. The bio-fermentation process pre-digest the sprouted rice in ezyprotein resulting in a very high digestion-efficiency ratio (98%). This makes it extremely easy for body to absorb and digest. It then dried at very low temperature retaining all the plant enzymes and phyto-nutrients and remains a raw food.
In summary, ezyprotein is ezy to use, ezy to absorb, ezy to digest.


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